If I have a client that is new to hypnotherapy, I always ask them what their first experience was like. It is amazing how quickly they become

accustomed to the feeling. Most clients will be a little apprehensive, or overthink that it will not work for them, that is perfectly normal. Us humans fear not only change, but what we do not understand, and when you think about it, that is perfectly healthy. If what we know and do regularly keeps us safe and alive, we will be smart to stay the same right?
Hypnosis or trance happens frequently throughout our day, perfectly naturally and with no guidance or Hypnotherapist present. It is our brains way of pausing, making sense and storing information that has been accumulated during the day. This could easily be in the car, whilst listening to the radio, or during our favourite show on TV. You will just drift off for a moment and feel nothing. Mostly it is a pleasant experience and just gives us a natural ‘brain break’ when it's needed.
When we use Hypnosis in a therapeutic environment, you are guided into a deep relaxation. You may feel as though you are completely present, or that you may have drifted off, both are true. The conscious and subconscious mind are joined together. Your brain will make sense of the words said and disregard anything that it does not want or like. I use metaphors that you will relate in your mind, to what we have discussed in clinic. The best way I can describe it is, as though you have already ‘slept’ on the subject. So, you will gain time here in your healing and changing. Plus, you will leave clinic feeling relaxed, motivated, and better.
What is not to love?
So, there you have it, no neuroscience in this post but just a ‘What it feels like’ for us humans. I hope you found this post useful.
As always if you are struggling or simply curious, book a free initial consultation and I will let you know how it could help you get where you would like to be.