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Hypnotherapy for

Whether it’s spiders, snakes, visiting the dentist, or something else, to many people, phobias can seem irrational - laughable even. But if you’re the one suffering from the phobia, you’ll know that they can actually be quite debilitating and have a real impact your day-to-day life.


You may wonder how you created your phobia in the first place. It’s simple - you learned it. A phobia is a learned behaviour and if you can learn to have a phobia, you can unlearn it and learn to react differently. You were not born with your phobia and the chances are you can’t remember the event that taught you to react or behave in the way you currently do.

Break free from the phobia

To overcome a phobia, it’s important to realise that you’re not powerless against it. In fact, it’s the reverse. By using your rational brain to control your subconscious brain, you can very quickly overcome it.

Let's use the spider phobia as an example

Imagine a child of three years of age, happily playing on the carpet with her parents in a room and a spider runs across the floor, not bothering the child. But the parents freak out, jump up and scream. Still not bothering the child a few days later, the same thing happens, and the parents react by screaming and running away. The child is now paying attention to their parents’ behaviour. â€‹The next time this happens the child's subconscious has learned that this is what we do when we see a spider. The parents do it, and they must be right because they’re grown-ups. So, this time, the child screams, gets up and runs away. Until the subconscious is taught differently, it will continue to behave in the way it was taught. And the best way to teach it, is in the hypnotic state of deep relaxation. â€‹

How I can help

In Solution Focused Hypnotherapy for phobias, I treat the phobia in three sessions.


In the first session we’ll discuss how the phobia was created and why you are suffering the way you are.


In the second session we’ll use hypnosis to move the phobia from your subconscious primitive brain to your rational intellectual brain where you have control over it. This desensitises the phobia and starts the process of correction.


In the third and final session we ‘reframe’ the phobia which completes the process. 


Then, when you next come into contact with your phobia, you should have a non-reaction.


To find out how I can help you, contact me to arrange a free initial consultation or make a booking.

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